Church Planting Ministry





Did You Know?

In 1900, there were 27 churches for every 10,000 Americans.
By 1950, there were 17 churches for every 10,000 Americans.
By 1985, this figure has slipped to just 12 churches for every 10,000 Americans. This is due to population growth as well as 85% of existing churches have leveled off or are declining.
Every year in America 2,000 churches start and 4,000 close their doors!

These are some of the areas that we have started churches

Seguin, Texas Church Planting 1985-86


This is the current location of the Community Baptist Church              The beginning days in a rented building

After my wife delivered our forth child Rebekah in the state of Florida in December of 1985, we headed west to Seguine Texas. Seguine at that time was a town of about 22,000 people in population. When we arrived, there was no Independent Baptist Church. Seguine is approximately 35 miles east of San Antonio. The seats in the above picture were removed and replaced with pews. The removed seats were later placed in the Falfurrias work. Look and compare the pictures.

Church Planting Raymondville, Texas 1986-90

       Some of the church members of the Faith Baptist Church that was stated in Raymondville, Texas

After completing the church planting work in Seguin, we headed south to Raymondville, Texas. This small Texas town was about 9,000 in population and was 35 north of the Mexico border. We parked our travel trailer in a park in the middle of the city and lived there. We were able to acquire a large house on a lease with the option to buy, which option we exercised after the 1 year lease was up. The house pictured above was large in that it went deep and was longer than wider. It had 2 bath rooms, and 4 bed rooms along with a large living room and kitchen. A garage was out back that was converted in to children's church. This ministry was very fruitful. We had our share of problems, but it could not compare to the blessing of the salvation of souls and a new church established for our Lord.

Church Planting Falfurrias, Texas 1990-94

Our ministry is focused on rural America. You will notice that the town that we reach are not very large. Falfurrias was one such town. Falfurrias is located in deep south Texas on highway 281. The population is 6,0103. Oh how I think of the tremendous need in America's Rural cities.

This mobile home sat on 3/4 of an acre of land that was purchased for $750. The whole purpose is to  preach, teach and baptize.

A Sunday service inside of the converted mobile home. Fellowship after the service under a small tent.

I was able to purchase 3/4 of an acre of land for $750 on the edge of town. I then transported an older mobile home to the property and began a remodeling project. We gutted the inside and converted it into a church building. Besides the black widow spiders, scorpions and rattle snakes, we saw much fruit here in this little work. There was a small radio station located in the center of town and I was able to preach on KPSO radio for 5 years here in this town.

Church Planting Kingsville, Texas 1993-97

The Heritage Baptist and Christian School. Pictured to the right is the graduation service of the Heritage Christian Academy.

Kingsville, Texas had a population of about 25,000. Believe it or not, with no Independent Baptist Church! There was one, but it had closed it's doors. I preached revival meeting for this church but now it was gone. The building was in foreclosure as well as the property. I contacted the bank and made an agreement with them, that I would make a mortgage payment every week (5 month worth) until the mortgage was brought current. The Lord blessed and we had a building but now needed people. Through this ministry, we established the Heritage Baptist Church, a printing ministry, a Bible Institute, and a Christian School. Through the ministries here, there were 5 men called into the ministry. 2 of these men are in full time ministry (view the Alumni Profiles page).

Pictured here are some of the men that were called to preach and serve in the full time ministry. This picture was taken in the Texas church planting ministry. 

From here, we were able to train preachers and here the Church Planters Institute was born. As an example, towns such as Hebbronville, Texas (Population 4,000) and begin to conduct in - home Bible studies and door to door soul winning. There was over 300 people saved in Hebbronville. We were also able to conduct two city wide tent revivals and bought land to build a church if the Lord would allow.

Church Planting Upper Peninsula of Michigan


Reaching Rural America - This is the Deerton Post Office down the street from where I live, and a plow clearing a way down Hwy 28.

I remember in my early 20's the desire that I had of reaching the Northern part of Michigan. Upon the realization that our ministry in Texas has now come to a close, our sights were set to head up the the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We arrived in January and moved into our house in March and began having services immediately in Harvey.

We have baptized many converts in "Cold Lake Superior."

We were able to pump water from the well on the church property that is nearly 200 feet deep to fill up the cattle trough. Needless to say, it was cooooold.

We were able to secure the Township Hall in Harvey. The Lord has allowed us to meet there for the past several years. Last summer, were able to purchase 4 acres of land and have begun building our new church building.

The New Building Shiloh Baptist Church 

 Progress during the early fall. Pictured to the right is a beloved brother in the Lord who has recently went home to be with the Lord. Brother Vaughn Wright came to church as a result of door to door soul winning. Standing here in this picture, Brother Vaughn was  very much aware of his terminal sickness. Even is his sick and weak state, his desire to see the progress on the building was dear to his heart. Vaughn's request was to have the first memorial service in the new building in the early summer.

Working on the inside of the building in the winter with no heat has been difficult.

The insulation is now in the building and we have temporary heat and the dry wall is now being installed.

Pictured above is the building. I will have more current pictures in an upcoming up date of it's progress. Rural evangelism. Rural Church Planting. This is an exciting and rewarding ministry. Please continue to pray for us that the Lord would continue to use us in this ministry.

 The Shiloh Baptist Church building is now finished!!



The newly completed fellowship hall

viewed during our missions conference




A new bus barn is currently under construction!!

Current Church Planting Efforts

Menominee, Michigan.


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Shiloh Baptist Church
P.O. BOX 37
PHONE & FAX: (906)249-1205

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